Friday, August 18, 2006

almost like a car accident... can't help but want to look

no caption necessary

Thursday, August 17, 2006

fat boy likes to eat...everything

which one is the real abel?

larry winget looks up to no man


here are the entries for the "AVIS AWARD" for trying the hardest on set. unfortunatley, i was disqualified because employees and family members are not eligible. So, it's between Abel for sticking his foot in the bush to get the shot. And Amerikan for cleaning the craft service bin so thoroughly. One less Red Bull and Cameron would have made the list.

officer, i swear i haven't had anything to drink

morgan gets a MAC!!!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

because we're medicine...

we've come to learn over the last few months that we're good people. in fact we're medicine. we cure what's ailing people. the only thing we hadn't figured out was exactly what kind of medicine we were.

are we prescription or otc? are we an antibiotic? like an amoxicillin or a penicillin? are we the nighttime runny nose, stuffy head, fever so you can rest medicine? or an antidepressant? do we lower your cholesterol? help treat genital herpes? similar to medical marijuana? do we eliminate erectile dysfunction? do we relieve painful symptoms? are we abused by teenagers looking to get a quick high? do we have have any dangerous side effects? are we fda approved?

after much scientific debate and reseach we'd like to provide...

we are definitely NOT fda approved. meaning, we are neither prescription nor otc. until the fda gets its head out of its ass and loosens some of its arcane bureaucratic restrictions, you can only get us from shady guys named "sniff" in back alleys riding bicycles with no seats. we can't do anything about your herpes. and you're on your own with your cholesterol, acid reflux, painful gas and bloating and those pesky hemorrhoids. but, we are an effective pain reliever, a cure for erectile dysfunction, treatment for depression and an antibiotic. similar to medical marijuana you will feel a general high upon consumption. also like medical marijuana, we are smoking. side effects are generally mild and affect only about 1 in 30 users. it is not recommended that you operate heavy machinery when we're in your system.

like many drugs there is a high risk of dependency. despondency, anxiety, irritability, chest pain and cold sweats likely to occur once you stop using the medication.

in other words, please use responsibly.

Monday, August 07, 2006

NEW Comfort Shaped Tip

so fresh and so clean...

Friday, August 04, 2006

jump jump jump jump jump

this is how it all began...august 3rd...morgana le fay's birthday CELEBRATION